Can you really clean a filthy restaurant with just Bonnet Cleaning?
In the past, with a job this heavily soiled, your first thought would lead you to think of [...]
When was the last time you increased your PRICE?
So, when was the last time you increased your service prices? Your cost to run your company goes up – your insurance, vehicle costs, equipment [...]
You’re the Professional, What Do You Think?
Today I cleaned a home of a wealthy businessman whose company makes the displays and shelving for many upscale supermarkets. I also service the [...]
Are you pushing the boundaries or being crushed by them?
I don’t need to say it, business life is hard, very hard and the bigger you get the more complicated it gets and the [...]
When is it Time to Search for a New Direction?
Just last week, after 35 years, I gave up/quit a job I have done 1 time per week since I started my business. I [...]