24 07, 2023

Can you really clean a filthy restaurant with just Bonnet Cleaning?

By |2024-02-02T10:25:41-05:00July 24, 2023|Bonnet Cleaning, Carpet Cleaning Education, Carpet Cleaning Products|

In the past, with a job this heavily soiled, your first thought would lead you to think of Hot Water Extraction for the solution. But today that's no longer your only option. With the correct chemicals from Bonnet [...]

13 04, 2022

When was the last time you increased your PRICE?

By |2022-04-13T17:11:35-04:00April 13, 2022|Carpet Cleaning Business, Marketing Your Business|

So, when was the last time you increased your service prices? Your cost to run your company goes up – your insurance, vehicle costs, equipment and supply costs and so on. The question might not be should you but how should you increase your prices. [...]

22 07, 2021

You’re the Professional, What Do You Think?

By |2021-11-20T13:12:25-05:00July 22, 2021|Carpet Cleaning Business, Marketing Your Business|

Today I cleaned a home of a wealthy businessman whose company makes the displays and shelving for many upscale supermarkets. I also service the factory location that has very nice office carpets and the associated office environment. So, when I was at the home [...]

31 03, 2021

Are you pushing the boundaries or being crushed by them?

By |2021-11-20T13:12:25-05:00March 31, 2021|Marketing Your Business|

I don’t need to say it, business life is hard, very hard and the bigger you get the more complicated it gets and the greater the chance for fires/problems or multiple problems to arise. You can stand still and get comfortable and you will [...]

11 01, 2021

When is it Time to Search for a New Direction?

By |2021-11-20T13:12:25-05:00January 11, 2021|Carpet Cleaning Business, Marketing Your Business|

Just last week, after 35 years, I gave up/quit a job I have done 1 time per week since I started my business. I estimate about 1900 invoices to this one account. So why would you give up a paying account? For me it [...]

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