Is Your Message Getting Noticed?

How is your company message? Can you describe yourself in one simple sentence to grab their attention? This is a great example: BMW The Ultimate Driving Machine. You may or may not like the product but the brand message is very clear and easily tells [...]

By |2021-11-20T13:12:26-05:00January 7, 2020|Carpet Cleaning Business, Marketing Your Business|

I love it when a plan comes together

"I love it when a plan comes together" What is your business plan? They say readers are leaders. How many business books have you read this year? This may sting a little and it is true in part for me also, but are you [...]

How’s Your Attitude?

You are likely in many customers’ eyes to only be as good as your last meeting or service. Sure, you will have some very loyal customers that see your value, that you’re an asset to helping them stay clean and look great. And even if [...]

Selling carpet cleaning appointments on the phone to price shoppers

We all love this call.  

“Hi, I’m Joan. I’ve just called 3 other companies and would like to know how much you charge?” YOU: Well Joan, it’s like talking to your dentist. He wants to see the patient first, and so do I, before I [...]

By |2021-11-20T13:12:26-05:00February 21, 2019|Marketing Your Business|

How do I sell Encapsulation or Low Moisture to my customers?

Encapsulation or Low MoistureYour or any potential customer is calling you and exploring the options you offer because they have a problem they need you to solve it. So that customer has a dirty carpet, rug or piece of furniture or all of the above. [...]

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