Build Your Own Case & Pick & Mix Your Own Case
Build Your Own Case
Select any of Bonnet Pro’s quart, 3 lb. and gallon sized products, even those currently included in “Pick & Mix” in our store, for a more efficient way to get what you need and keep shipping costs under control.
Here’s the benefit:
Normally, if you choose 4 separate gallons, the shipping module will charge shipping 4 times, once for each gallon.
With “Build Your Own Case”, you pick the products you want and they will ship in 1 box for only 1 shipping charge, saving you money.
These cases will ship UPS Ground, $25.00 per case.
Why it’s different from Pick & Mix:
Pick & Mix offers only certain products chosen by Bonnet Pro that will ship at a discounted shipping rate, helping you save money on our most popular items. Build Your Own Case lets you choose from any of our products listed below.
Choose any combination of these products:
- nanoMAXX 2 qt. or Gallon
- Surround Omega Citrus with ProFresh
- Surround Omegazyme
- Surround Waste-Away Urine Odor Remover
- Surround Ultra
- Surround Free
- Surround ProFresh
- Rocket’s Radical Rinse
- Revive iT Oxy Spotter – Twin Pack Quarts & 1 Trigger Sprayer
- Revive iT OxyAll
- Guardian Green Carpet Protector & Stain Blocker
- Bonnet Wash
- Surround No-Rinse Spotter – 2 Quart Twin Pack
- Surround No-Rinse Spotter/Revive iT Oxy Spotter – 1 Quart Each
- 1-ByeBye-POG-Gum-Rust Omega Spotters
- 1-ByeBye-POG-Gum Omega Spotters
- 1-ByeBye-Gum-Rust Omega Spotters
- Rocket Blast
- Grout Shock
- Red LAVA
- Blue LAVA
- Yellow LAVA
- Liquid LAVA
- LAVA Rinse
- Acid Rinse
- Fresh LAVA
Pick & Mix Your Own Case
Choose from Bonnet Pro’s list of gallon products below to create your custom case and save on shipping costs. Pick & Mix is only $18.00 shipping per case!
Choose any combination of these products:
- Surround Omega Citrus with ProFresh
- Surround Omegazyme
- Surround Waste Away Urine Odor Remover
- Surround Ultra
- Surround Free
- Surround ProFresh
- Rocket’s Radical Rinse
- Guardian Green Carpet Protector & Stain Blocker
- Rocket Blast
- Grout Shock
- Red LAVA
- Blue LAVA
- Yellow LAVA
- Liquid LAVA
- LAVA Rinse
- Acid Rinse
- Fresh LAVA
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Product use chart
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Must Have Proprietary Bonnet Pro Technology
Must Have Proprietary
Bonnet Pro Technology