AFT – Nature's Repellent

It’s A Revolutionary Cleaning Concept

AFT natural carpet protectors

It’s not encapsulation, it’s not protector…
It’s the next evolution in carpet care technology –
Carpet protection from PROTEIN, not chemicals.

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Active Film Technology (AFT) is essentially, a new additive for detergents – based on functional proteins. Think of AFT in a way as providing natural carpet protection. It works by forming protective layers of hydrated protein chains that help to facilitate dirt removal. So, during cleaning, AFT’s proteins help to completely displace the dirt and leave an invisible, aqueous protein film that acts as a stable surface protectant.

Have you ever seen a dirty flower?  We haven’t either. Some plants use what is called the “Lotus Effect”, this is one of nature’s ways to self-clean every time it rains. While it can’t rain inside and clean your carpets, Bonnet Pro has the next best thing!

This is not encapsulation or carpet protectors, it’s something completely different!

AFT is a positive film that coats the surface fiber with an invisible durable layer only a few microns thick. This is to help prevent the “negative” oily film commonly called an oily binder that causes rapid re-soiling. Our positive or helpful AFT film barrier exhibits repellent properties. When the fiber is cleaned, the AFT hydrophilic barrier causes soils to “float” on the Active Film so soils can be displaced or cleaned more easily, and often with a less aggressive cleaning chemical. AFT then also helps prevent new soils from attaching to the underlying face fiber once Bonnet Pro’s AFT is in place. This amazing component is natural, safe, and non-toxic. It is a safe carpet protection spray built into many of Bonnet Pro’s products.

Encaps dry down and leave a polymer coating to suspend small particles of soil to be removed by vacuuming. Semi Fluorinated chemicals also coat the fiber and reduce surface tension but can be expensive and will increase dry times. While carpet protectors can still be used with AFT, AFT is much cheaper, does not require extra application time, has no odor, and is reapplied every time you clean at no extra cost to the company providing the cleaning, as it will be built into many Bonnet Pro encapsulation formulas starting with OMEGA Citrus.

  • Simpler subsequent cleaning of surfaces (easy-to-clean effect)

  • Hydrophilic surface protection

  • Supports effective cleaning even at mild pH value

  • Easier removal of biofilms

  • Skin-friendly alternative to conventional products

  • Greatly reduced risk of allergies

  • Natural bio-polymer

  • No added cost to cleaner

  • No extra time spent to apply

  • Helps prevent petroleum-based soils from attaching to face fiber of carpet and textiles

  • AFT is none toxic and a natural ingredient

  • Helps reduce chemical usage on future cleanings

  • Automatically reapplied every time the carpet is cleaned

  • Protectors may still be used after cleaning

  • Improves encapsulation function

Repel sticky oil binders that cause rapid re-soiling with AFT an active positive film the helps to block harmful oily binders making carpets easier to clean and look better longer.

AFT does not block acid dyes and offers no warranty against soiling or to the absolute ability to repel petroleum or oil-based substances as to the great variability of conditions and carpet types and maintenance that may be performed.

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